When They Called It “Nuclear Grade”, This Is Probably Not What They Meant

reactor with nuclear grade duct tapeDuct tape is sold in an informal set of grades, to give users some idea of the quality and performance characteristics.

The three  grades are “basic”, “utility” and “nuclear”, with basic being the least expensive garden variety on home improvement store shelves. Utility grade is the most useful and can be found in most workers tool boxes. Nuclear grade will stand higher temperatures (up to 200 degrees F) and is stronger.

What nuclear grade is not, is a substance designed to stand up to radiation.

A worker at Japan’s crippled Fukushima nuclear plant has revealed that when he was given the assignment of closing the lid on a tank in the plant in a high radiation area during the catastrophic event, he discovered that instead of having a lid, the top of the tank was covered with duct tape.

You can read more revelations by clicking here.


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